新学年第二学期No. 171:信息学测第二天 豪华书院引颤动
2023-02-19 Sunday周日Sunny晴Aim high and don't sell yourself short. Know that you're capable. Understand that a lot of people battle with a lot of things — depression, body image or whatever else — so know that it's not just you. You're not alone. 一Holly Holm看法定高点,不要看低我方。知谈我方有才调。要显豁,好多东谈主王人在和许多事 战役,抑郁症、躯壳形象八成其他事情,是以要知谈不单是是你。你不是一个 东谈主。– 霍莉‧霍尔姆
皇冠信用平台开发Holly Holm is an American women's fighter, professional boxer, and mixed martial artist. She is a multiple world champion boxer, has defended her titles 18 times in three weight classes, and has twice been named Boxer of the Year by Boxing magazine. She was voted the best prizefighter of all time by BoxRec.霍莉‧霍尔姆,好意思国女子搏击通顺员、工作拳击手、综及格斗家,曾屡次得到拳 击天下冠军,曾在三个举重级别上 18 次捍卫我方的冠军,并曾两次得到拳击杂 志年度最好拳击手的称呼。她被 BoxRec 评为有史以来最好的工作拳击手。
原文标题The Era of Happy Tech Workers Is Over大裁人布景下,硅谷的得志职责时间仍是罢明晰。本文节选自The New York Times(纽约时报) ;作家NADIA RAWLINSON:
Silicon Valley as we know it — with its radically transparent company cultures, empowered employees, flat hierarchies and rarefied perks like nap pods and free food — is quickly disappearing. And it’s unlikely to return.极其透明的企业文化、职权下放到职工、扁平化的经管轨制,以及午睡仓和免费餐饮等贫寒 的福利——咱们所熟知的硅谷正在连忙隐匿,也不太可能重现了。
皇冠注册For nearly two decades, tech companies heralded an approach that centered on making workers happy with benefits that were intended to seamlessly integrate work and life. They made well-being programs and unlimited vacation, initiatives that prioritized the whole person, standard employee benefits. This, along with high salaries and equity packages, was a way to not just win but dominate the war for talent. The rapid growth and success of Silicon Valley companies, driven in part by their unique people practices, reimagined workplace culture for a generation.近 20 年来,科技企业宣扬一种面孔,其中枢是让职责生活无缝和会的福利待遇,以此增强 职工幸福感。这些企业将福利缱绻和无穷假期,以及优先议论个东谈主身心健康的举措算作轨范 的职工福利。这些举措再加上高薪和股权待遇,不仅匡助他们赢得,皇冠体育会员更是主导了总计东谈主才争 夺战。硅谷企业的迅猛增长和到手在一定进度上是由其专有的东谈主力履行激动的,这重塑了一 整代东谈主的职场文化。
Times, as they say, are a-changin’. The industry is facing an uneven macroeconomic environment and a roiling stock market that is putting pressure on public tech companies and making for a less-than-ideal I.P.O. environment for private ones. Tech chief executives are now optimizing more for profitability than for growth at all costs, sometimes at the expense of long-held organizational beliefs.正如老话所说,时间在变。这一滑业如今濒临宏不雅经济环境不平衡和股市涟漪的形态,已上 市的科技企业感到了压力,私营科技企业的上市环境也不再理思。科技首席实施官们当今正 不吝一切代价优化盈利才调,而非增长才调,以至偶而遴荐挫伤机构永久以来的信念。
The shift is most evident in the recent surge of tech layoffs. TikTok reportedly told employees that it was sunsetting gym membership and Wi-Fi reimbursements as well as its $45 daily meal stipends to workers not tied to the company’s main hubs, in its own efforts at restraint. These changes are bellwethers. A few things are true now that make the shift in tech employee culture not just a moment in time but a redefinition of how tech companies will be run.这种改换在最近的科技裁人潮中体现得最为彰着。据称,TikTok 已奉告职工,准备取消健身房会员履历和 Wi-Fi 用度报销、以及不在公司主要所在职责职工的逐日 45 好意思元膳食补贴, 算作该公司缩减福利的部分要领。这些变化王人是风向标。有几点当今已成事实,使得科技企 业职工文化的改换不再仅是局势使然,而是对科技企业运营面孔的颠覆。
We are entering an era of external investor pressure, higher financing hurdles and overall market volatility. This environment calls for management to make structural changes in the way workplace culture is experienced for both labor and capital. The current tech work force is used to every voice getting a vote, and it will now have to yield to a new world — one with heightened expectations and disciplined investment. Not considering the winds of change will put the careers of many empowered workers at risk.咱们正迎来一个外部投资东谈主施压、融资断绝加大和合座市集波动的时间。这么的环境条件管 理层对劳资两边的职场文化进行结构性改变。脚下,科技行业的劳能源仍是习尚东谈主东谈主王人有话 语权,但他们将不得不顺应一个期待更高、投资更严慎的新天下。若不议论变革的风向,许 多被赋权职工的工作生计王人将岌岌可危。
2月19号周日志录1:七手八脚催不断 丢三忘四忘证件
2月19号周日志录2:列队看书成习尚 饭菜打理猫狗欢
2月19号周日志录3:午间经管均坐班 教室平安神志专
2月19号周日志录4:篮球场上通顺欢 棒垒球员对外选皇冠体育会员